halloween-pumpkin-carving-face-large As we delve deeper into the month of October it can be hard to escape the spooky season with tantalising tales, frightening films and creepy costumes becoming commonplace amongst our cultural landscape. While these elements associated with Halloween may seem scary to many marketing experts, concerned over breaking a carefully formed brand image, PrintDesigns urges promotional professionals to embrace the many exciting opportunities that these fearsome festivities present to businesses in need of a profile (and hair) raising boost.

PrintDesigns is a specialist company with expertise in producing wide format digital printing and portable presentation solutions. The company produces all of its products in-house, inventing in the latest industry equipment in order to offer its clients premium quality and a fast turnaround time.

Mark Thompson, Co-Founder of PrintDesigns said, “Whether it is Easter, Christmas, bonfire night or Halloween, marketers should certainly pay attention to these national events. Consumers will have different motives, needs and desires at every time of year, and it is important to understand these in order to truly speak to your audience.”

While there are certain sectors that may naturally lend themselves towards leveraging this season, such as fashion and beauty brands as well as hospitality and event companies, even the most unlikely of organisations can use creative thinking to form a successful Halloween campaign that is appropriate to them.

Mark continued, “For example at Christmas time, or the weeks just after, people are feeling strapped for cash. This makes it the perfect time to launch special offers and bargain deals. At Halloween, there is a unique sense of fun and mischievousness in the air. Although this season is scary, brands should embrace the underlying sense of play and let the fun and games commence!”

With over a decade of experience helping marketing teams boost brand visibility using premium display stand solutions and other custom printed products, a recent blog post from PrintDesigns offers its clients simple tips on how to utilise the promotional opportunity that Halloween provides.  With the ‘fright night’ fast approaching, businesses must act fast if they decide to use the spooky season to leverage their marketing efforts. PrintDesigns offer an express delivery service on all of its products, including custom printed banner stands as well as large and small format printing for posters, leaflets and flyers.