Contra Vision - Contravision Printing

Genuine Contra Vision one way viewable self adhesive perforated film for application to windows
  • Genuine Contra Vision® brand material
  • Stunning one way vision graphics for window and glass application
  • Choice of material options to suit all requirements
  • Printed in high definition with a UV digital process
  • Installation service available


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Contra Vision® is the brand name for the range of high performance one way vision films designed for application to windows. Contra Vision films are made from a perforated pattern with different degrees of perforation depending on the level of show through that the graphic requires.


What Is Contra Vision Film?

Contra Vision is a self adhesive vinyl film that features a perforated pattern of holes.

The material is available in a range of densities ranging from 20% transparency to up 50% transparency. The greater the transparency, the larger the perforations are in the material when compared to the solid vinyl that surround them.

Contra Vision is white on one side and black on the reverse. The white side of the material can be printed with an image.

When Contra Vision is applied to glass, the printed side appears more or less solid. From the other side of the glass, you can see through the black material.

Contra Vision Printing
contra vision film material printing

How Does Contra Vision Work?

Contra Vision film can be printed with any custom artwork to create advertisements, decorations and manifestations that can be applied to any window surface.

From the inside of the glass, the small perforated holes allow light to pass through. This exterior light draws attention to your eyes rather than the perforated material that is black. The effect means that you can see through the window from the inside but from the outside, the printed image is visible.

Contra Vision can be used to produce stunning visuals that are guaranteed to draw attention, without completely blocking off the supply of natural light inside. This makes Contra Vision the ideal material for use in many businesses such as retail shops, office spaces and more.


Genuine Contra Vision Printing

Contra Vision® is a trusted brand name material associated with one way window films.

The history of Contra Vision dates back to 1982 where it was developed by Roland Hill (an amateur squash player) who discovered it whilst trying to make the viewing of squash accessible to a wider audience. Squash is played in an enclosed court with solid walls and Roland's eureka moment allowed him to create a glass wall that could be see through from one side whilst appearing solid to the squash players inside the court.

Printdesigns solely use the genuine Contra Vision product for the production of all of our one way window graphics. The material performs better than imitations and the adhesives used do not become permanently bonded to glass over time which can make them difficult to remove.

Contravision Printing History


Contravision Printing UK

Choosing Contra Vision Material

This diagram illustrates the different opacities of Contra Vision that are available for printing. Lower transparency material means that there are fewer holes in relation to the solid material and the image appears stronger. Higher transparancy material means that more light can pass through the material and the printed image is weaker.

Lower transparancy materials are typically used on very large windows or where the maximum image impact is required. The higher value materials are best suited for smaller windows or in circumstances where it is preferable to maximise the amount of natural light entering the building.

Contravision offer a tool that allows you to preview your image in real time. You can visit the Contra Vision website here to use the Perforated Image Viewer tool.


New Contra Vision HD Printed Graphics

Contra Vision HD is a new development for the production of one way window graphics and it's unique to Contra Vision. The material uses an extremely fine perforation in order to provide a 40% show through effect whilst providing a much stronger visual effect when compared to standard films.

This example shows Contra Vision HD next to the standard Contra Vision 40% product. You can see that the very close mesh of holes renders a far stronger image and even small detail like printed text is not overly disrupted by the holes in the material.

We strongly recommend Contra Vision HD film for most one way window film projects and especially for graphics that contain small printed text.

Contra Vision HD Graphics Printing



Special Effects With Contra Vision Printing

As well as standard white printable Contra Vision window films, Printdesigns can offer other specialist films that can provide unique and interesting effects.

Translucent Contra Vision is a semi transparent film that can provide stunning backlit effects. This product can be used to decorate windows that can be illuminated from inside in order to broadcast the printed graphic during the evening to the outside face.

White Contra Vision film is normally applied to the outside face of the window but we can also offer a clear Contra Vision vinyl that can be applied to the inside of glass. The clear material can be printed in colour and then can be overprinted afterwards with white, followed by black ink in order to provide a one way film designed for application to the inside of the glass.

Our team are happy to discuss your individual requirements and provide a one way Contravision window graphic tailored for you. Feel free to get in touch via telephone, email or online chat.

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