managing budgetsBeing prepared and planning is advance is important in all aspects of business but in marketing, it is absolutely vital to plan ahead for your advertising and other promotional campaigns. Big brands can plan anything up to a whole year in advance for their campaigns, so small businesses need to do the same if they want to keep up and compete.

Here are some obvious and slightly less obvious reasons why you need to be thinking big and planning ahead. Get in touch if you can think of any more!

Cash in on Holidays

For example, we may be in the middle of summer but it is never too early to start thinking about Christmas. Each year companies seem to compete for the most tear-jerking TV advertisement. But it’s not just ads you need to think about – what will you be offering, who will you be targeting, how are you going to sell it to them? Then don’t forget you’ll need separate strategies for the Boxing Day/January sales and the ‘New Year, New You’ campaigns.

It’s not just Christmas and other holidays you can capitalise on. Think about the back to school time of year, sporting and other cultural events, changing weather and seasons, festivals or industry specific events you or your customers will be attending. By integrating current and future events into your campaigns, you’re making your advertising more relevant and appealing.

Save Money with Advance Bookings

You’ll find that most organisations which help businesses advertise, such as media companies or billboard advertisers, will offer an earlybird discount. So by planning ahead and booking ahead, you’ll automatically save money on your whole campaign. It pays to be organised!

Reduce Stress

Leaving everything to the last minute is incredibly stressful. A stressed mind does not create the basis for a successful business. When you need to order promotional material or a freelance graphic designer for your campaign, it makes sense to organise everything you need as soon as possible. Not only will this make your life so much easier at the time of the campaign, but it will probably increase its chances of success too, as everything has been well planned out and not rushed at the last minute.

Stay Ahead of the Game

Planning ahead in marketing can keep you well in front of your competitors. By “getting in there first” with your advertising and event bookings, you can make sure that your services and products will be seen first by your target audience.

Don’t forget to purchase all your display stands and promotional materials in good time before trade shows and events! However if you do need a rush order Printdesigns can also help with express orders, call us to check when we can deliver by.